Thursday, March 26, 2020

American History X - the question essays

American History X - the question essays Edward Norton is the star of the movie American History X. He plays the role of Derek Vinyard, an extreme white supremacist, who leads a sort of cult against all those who arent white. At the beginning of the movie he kills a few black men, who were trying to steal the truck that his father gave him before he died. This obviously landed him in prison where he resided throughout most of the movie. During that time in prison, his little brother, Danny, wanted to basically pick up his older brothers slack in their campaign against minorities. He ran around doing all kinds of racist things to people because he thought Derek was the greatest person fighting for the greatest cause in the world. As Danny continued to make enemies in school and around the neighborhood, his mother was constantly visiting Derek to let him know how much trouble his brother was causing and getting into. This really bothered him because he could do nothing about it. During Dereks stay in prison, he was fr equently visited by an old school of his named Dr. Bob Sweeney. Dr. Sweeney was a black man determined to set the Vinyard family straight from racism and violence. As times got tougher for Derek in prison, he finally started to listen and actually understand what it was that his old teacher was trying to tell him. While lying on a hospital bed after one of his most humiliating abuses, Derek cried as Sweeney asked him the question that would change all of their lives. Has anything youve ever done actually bettered your life? I would have to say that this question pretty much sums up the writers point. It definitely made an impact on Dereks life. Soon after that, he was released from prison, with the help of Dr. Sweeney. Part of his parole agreement was to readily try to reverse all the movements and uprisings that he had helped create in the beginning. His first goal was to change the hea...

Friday, March 6, 2020

Compare and Contrast Essay on Sports

Compare and Contrast Essay on Sports Compare and Contrast Essay on Sports Sporting activities are very popular for many people and nations across the world. The reason is that they bring people from different and diverse backgrounds together. They help create a strong bond between societies that participate in the various sports. It has also become a huge economic activity. Many people make large sums of money when they are sportsmen or sports women. Some become millionaires when they are still underage, and this makes their life easier. Sports can also be dangerous. Many instances of deaths have also been reported in sporting events. Due to the financial gain and the fame that results from success in sporting events, many people engage in dangerous sports. The majority of people to engage in sporting for anticipated heath gains, and this has received much attention across the world. However, this gives rise to a debate about the truth of sport being healthy or not. Some sports call for extreme health and fitness because they are so dangerous, and can lead to causing harm to, or, the death of the participants or the audience. Hence, this subject lends itself to compare and contrast essays. How to write a good compare and contrast essay on sports: You need not be a sport expert.  The writer must, however, understand the workings of sport, the different kinds of sport, and the motivations behind the sports. Whether you can play sport is not an essential ingredient for an unbiased essay. You need to deal with success and failure.  The writer of such a comparative essay should analyze the successes and the failures of sports people. However, success should not be only measured by the money that an individual got from participating a sporting activity, but also the health gains that he/she made. Many people who engaged in sports and made fortunes also suffered injuries that end up frustrating their future. Compare the possiblity of riches with injuries.  The writer should compare whether getting such injuries is worth the money or financial gain received. Sportspeople have died after taking part in competitive sports, and left behind all the monies that they accumulated in their sporting career, for example, various Formula One drivers. Others, like Mohommed Ali, got injuries that eventually confined them, and their lives were made difficult without the use of expensive medications. Such negative repercussions should be compared with the positive gains that sports people get. For instance, being a successful footballer is a shortcut for being wealthy and famous. Many people want to be associated with successful sportspeople, and many still believe that sports are the most lucrative investment that one can have. Compare and contrast financial inequalities between different sports.  The writer should also compare the merits and demerits across the different sporting disciplines that exist. For instance, success in boxing and football mean different things. Tennis and golf, or rugby and cricket are not the same. Some of these sports are more dangerous than others, and the financial gains acquired vary across the different sporting disciplines. At custom writing service you have a great opportunity to order a custom essay on any sports related topic.